Sunday, September 28, 2008


This morning we had another transition day at the pool. We had planned on swimming, biking (on our indoor trainers) then running and then repeating it all a few times. However, the pool wouldn't let us swim there. They said that groups had to have a permit to swim there, and although we all swim there regularly they wouldn't let us swim. So....
We biked seven minutes then ran seven minutes, switching back and forth between the two for almost an hour. We practiced the transition each time we switched events.
I hadn't planned on going but changed my mind at the last minute. I'm glad I did it but the running part was hard since I haven't been running lately. I guess I have to start back up.
Thanks Randy for encouraging me to go and not letting me give up on the triathlon. I know I can do it. I just need some of Bree's positive thinking.
I had a few good swims this last week which was very encouraging, then Randy and I swam after our transition day and instead of working on distance I worked on form. I still have so much I need to learn but I'm feeling so much more comfortable in the water.
Thank you Dawn and Janet for putting on these wahine events. I really do enjoy them and they do encourage me to keep going.

1 comment:

Marilyn and Robert said...

wanna know how out of shape I am? I got tired reading your blog. no wonder you are losing so much weight. I'm jealous the fat just sits here on me doin nothing. Maybe I should stop complaining about it and do something huh???? have a good day Karen love ya